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Parish Registers
National Registers
Site Conditions


It is unfortunate that we have to have legal jargon on web pages to prevent the theft of original copy, where the idea is to share such information etc., with like minded people in whatever field or hobby you choose to have as your theme.

Most persons involved with genealogical studies are only to willing to share their findings with similar researchers, as an assistance to individuals in their own research. In fact there are many shortcuts found and loose ends tied up by such information being shared.

It is not my intention to curtail any of these activities, and in fact I, and my fellow researchers are only too happy to share with like minded people, along as it is seen as a two way street.

What is becoming increasingly annoying to me, and I suspect many others, is the number of genealogical web pages that have sprung up, with limited information available, unless you pay a fee to access their databases.

These databases have in some cases been made up from the information researched personally at great expense by the likes of you and me, without true recognition and recompense.

It is important to note that I do not aim any criticism at organisations that charge a nominal fee to cover their incidental expenses and running costs, but at the larger organisations who make a good living out of us.

It is with reluctance therefore that I must spell out the following copyright notice and conditions of use.



The transcripted material, photographs and intellectual copyright on these web pages represents many hours of research, and therefore is the property of the copyright holder, Mike Matthews of Congleton, Cheshire (UK), and his fellow researchers.


The transcripted information (except photographs, see condition 3) is made freely available and on loan for personal use and to personal web page owners with my assumed authority unless you are notified otherwise.
Acknowledgement of source is required. (See condition 5)
Copies of the transcripted material in various formats is available by email.


All photographs, unless otherwise stated, are from my personal collection and may not be copied, reprinted, stored or distributed by any medium without my express permission and in writing.
Other photographs on this web site that are not my personal property may also not be copied reprinted, stored or distributed by any medium without the express permission in writing of the original photographer or owner.

Temporary storage is allowed on your 'Temporary Internet Files' folder while you are viewing this web site.

If any person wishes to acquire a copy of any photographs on this web site they must contact me by email. Subject to my (or the original photographer / owner's) permission not being withheld they will be sent a licensed copy at no charge to bona fide individuals for personal use only, or for personal web sites subject to additional conditions available on request.

Commercial organisations may apply for use of photographs subject again to my (or the original photographer / owner's) permission in writing, and payment in advance of an appropriate fee, scaled according to the type of photograph, and planned usage of such photographs. The scale of fees is available on request.

There shall be no exceptions to these conditions.


You may use the information on your web pages (except photographs, see condition 3) if you choose, entirely as it is downloaded if so desired, subject to condition number 5.


If you choose to use my copyright pages, except photographs, you must provide a link back to me from the page on which the information is being used.

When providing a link, please link back to -


not individual pages. I would appreciate an email informing me of any links.

It is very important that links are only made to my index page as indicated above. If there is a particular wish to link directly to another page within this site, I must be contacted for permission first so that I can guarantee the stability of a particular page.
I reserve the right to rename and move around pages on my site as they are updated, or even redirect to another server to maintain continuity. Many pages will be moved at random as the site is continually updated.

The web reference for the index page will remain unchanged, unless I provide a direct link to elsewhere.


The copyrighted properties of these web pages are not available for general distribution, resale, or to be included in any web pages, written works or electronically stored material, designed for profit. They are also not available for any commercial use whatsoever, without the direct authorisation, and the in writing (manually or electronically) permission of the copyright holder. (that is me). Any negotiations will be conducted via me and the original researcher.


The copyright holder ( again that is me) reserves the right to deny authorisation to any person who may have previously held that right.


The copyright holder (me again) acknowledges that some of the information on these web pages is the copyright of other organisations in various transcripted and untranscripted formats, that have allowed me and my fellow researchers the base material to work from, and that this information is freely available in untranscripted formats,via microfilm, microfiche, CD/DVD and online databases etc., providing the base facility for any other person who is willing to compile their own particular transcriptions.


In acknowledging condition 8 above, I will not be held liable for any copyright proceedings taken against any other individual as the result of information recorded from these pages, and in further acknowledgement to other copyrights, will on being approached, remove any offending articles which may unknowingly infringe the proven copyright of any other organisation.

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(c) 2025 Mike Matthews. All rights reserved.