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Probate Wills
Monumental Inscriptions
War Dead
Parish Registers
National Registers
Monumental Inscriptions

Monumental inscriptions are by far the most accurate proof of the lineage of a particular family, and along with birth marriage and death records and also last wills and testaments are the ultimate proof of a family tree.

The transcriptions shown are exactly as they are (or were) to be seen on the monuments / gravestones / crypts in the churchyards / cemetery's / cremation grounds.

Prestbury Parish Church - Cheshire

In memory of
George Priestnall
of Butley, who died
July 2nd 1886, aged 64 years
also Sarah, wife of George
Priestnall of Butley who
died August 19th 1870 aged
36 years
also Mary Elizabeth Priestnall
of Offerton
died May 15th 1937

George Priestnall
of Butley
Who died January 9th 1872
aged 75 years

In peace let me resign my breath
And my salvation see
My sins deserve eternal death
But Jesus died for me

Also Harriet, wife of the above
who died April 2nd 1891
aged 75 years
Also Doris, daughter of James and
Lucy Priestnall
died March 20th 1898 aged 6 months.
Also Florence May daughter of the
above who died Novr 7th 1898
aged 3 years & 7 months
Also Flora Mabel their daughter
who died Dec 1st 1902
aged 2 years & 6 months

In memory of
William Priestnall Dorsett
son of William& Martha Dorsett
of Butley
who dies January 28th 1877
aged 21 years
Also the above Martha Dorsett who
died July 5th 1878 aged 51 years
Also Mary Priestnall of Butley
who departed this life July 19th 1901
aged 71 years

Top of Crypt

Here lieth the body of
Henry Priestnall of Adlington
Yeoman who departed this life
January 3rd 1818, aged 66 years
also Elizabeth wife of Henry
Priestnall who departed this life
June 14th 1809, aged 58 years
also Thomas son of the above said
Henry Priestnall of Adlington
died July 21st 1793 aged 18 years
also Peggy daughter of the above said
Henry Priestnall died July 17th
1798 aged 13 years, also Hannah
daughter of the above said Henry
Priestnall died April 18th 1804
aged 25 years also Elizabeth
daughter of the above said Henry
Priestnall died August 1st 1805 aged
21 years. Also John Hooley son
in law of the above said who
departed this life April 30th
1855, aged 50 years
Also Ann wife of John Hooley
and daughter of the above said
Henry Priestnall who departed
this life February 4th 1812 aged 24 years

Side of Crypt
Elizabeth Shelmerdine departed this life
? 25th 1834 aged 24 years
daughter of the above said John & Ann
Also Jane daughter of John & Mary Hooley
of Heaviley who departed this life January 28th
1857 aged 35 years
Also Mary widow of the above said John Hooley who
departed this life ???? ???? aged 72 years

Stockport (St. Mary's) Parish Church - Cheshire

lieth the body of
James Priestnall was buried
Jan:y 28th 1800 aged 64 years
Sarah wife of James Priestnall
of Stockport was bur:d Feb 9th 1775
aged 31
Also James his son was Bur:d
Oct:r 25th 1771 aged 14 months
Also Mary his dau:r was Bur:d
May 7th 1786 aged 1 years
Also Joseph his son was Bur:d
April 24th 1797 aged 14 months
Also Mary his daughter buried
Nov:r 26th 1793 aged 2 years
Also Martha his daughter was
buried July 6th 1797 aged 18 years
Parnell his wife died July 10th 1825 AE 74
Also Parnell his daughter d Aug:st 26th 1805 etat 15
John Priestnall died dec 7th 1859 AE75
Sarah Priestnall died Sepr 24th
1864 aged 70 years

John Son of John and Ann
Priestnall, died Sepr 8th 1831
aged 9 months

William Priestnall who departed
this life Janr 30th, 1776 aged 41 years
Also Mary his wife who died
April 28th, 1765 aged 36 years
Also Mary their Daughter who
died Octr 13th 1804 aged 45 years
Also Hannah wife of the above
William Priestnall who died
May 14th, 1804 aged 70 years
Also John Priestnall who died
April 24th, 1822 aged 65 years
Also Thomas Priestnall who died
March 18th, 1831 aged 67 years
Also Elizabeth Wife of the above
John Priestnall who died October
12th, 1831 aged 64 years
Also Sarah Wife of the above
Thomas Priestnall who died
May 31st, 1833 aged 72 years

Stockport Cemetery - Cheshire

In memory of William Priestnall died
February 15th 1888 aged 64 years also
Sarah wife of William Priestnall died
August 30th 1870 aged 48 years
George son of William and Sarah Priestnall
died January 11th 1860 aged 18 days

In memory of Edward Anthony son of Anthony
and Mary Wood died May 10th 1869 in his
16th year
Anthony Wood died August 27th 1889 aged
70 years also John Priestnall died January
10th 1878 aged 54 years also Joseph
brother of Anthony Wood died December
19th 1869 aged 32 years

In memory of James Wilde who died 17th
June 1874 aged 44 years also Mary Storer
wife of James Wilde died 18th January
1871 aged 43 years also Ann Elizabeth
wife of James Wilde died 28th February
1886 aged 59 also Ann widow of John
Priestnall born 24th April 1796 died
July 13th 1886

In memory of Mary daughter of the late
Matthew Priestnall of Stockport died
December 15th 1844 aged 67 years also
Martha his eldest daughter died March 15th 1862
aged 87 years

St Marys Church, Droylsden, Lancashire

In Sweet Memory of Isabella, the beloved wife of,
James Priestnall
Who died June 6th 1869, in the 20th year of her age.
May she rest in peace
Also of Eliza, the beloved wife of John Boothby Thomasson of Droylsden.
Who departed this life 9th November 1894, aged 45 years.
Also of Mary Ann, the beloved wife of Thomas Priestnall
of Droylsden.
Who departed this life March 3rd 1875 aged 67 years.
In love she lived in peace she died.
Her life was asked but God denied.
Also of the above named Thomas Priestnall, who departed this
life 13th December 1877, aged 67 years.
Deeply lamented
Also Harry Sydney Thomasson, grandson of the above.
Died February 24th 1890, aged 3 years.
Christ blessed little children
Also John, the beloved son of Thomas and Mary Ann Priestnall.
Who departed this life February 20th 1907, aged 71 years.
Peace perfect peace


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