Will of John Priestnall of Woodford
- Died 14th August 1785
Date of Will - 8th April 1785
Value under £1000
Proven at Chester diocesan consistory court on 4th November
To William Priestnall (brother) of Butley, one guinea
To George Priestnall of Worth (brother), one guinea
To Thomas Priestnall of Woodford (brother), one guinea
To necessitous Householders in Woodford who are not weekly Pensioners
the sum of £5 to be distributed amongst them at the direction of my
Executors.Also same to necessitous householders in Butley for same reason.
Trustees of Deanrow Chapel £40 six months after his death. "and by
them to be put out upon some good security and the interest thereof
annually to be paid unto the Protestant dissenting Minister who shall
there regularly officiate for the augmentation of his salary. And if
any future time the Protestant dissenting Minister shall by their civil
governors be silenced or restrained from doing their duty in order to
moderate the distropes? that may arise on that occasion I will and appoint
that the sum of £40 be distributed at that time amongst such dissenting
Ministers as the Trustees then acting on behalf of the said Chapel shall
judge to be the most proper objects of my charity."
To James Wood of Woodford, £5 for trouble of executing the will
To John Priestnall (nephew) of Poynton, £5
Rest of goods and chattels to be divided between James Wood and John Priestnall.To Anne Barton (sister) of Macclesfield, £3:15 shillings quarterly.Money left to nephews and nieces. Children of brothers William Priestnall and George Priestnall, sisters Anne Barton and Mary
Executors to keep in hand the sum of £140, that from the interest of,
they may pay unto my lover, Mary wife of David Sutton (farmer), £5 per annum. |