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Probate Wills
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Martha Priestnall

Transcript of will for
Martha Priestnall of Stockport

This transcript is where possible the full transcript but in some cases may be edited if parts are illegible.

The purpose of the transcript is to give an accurate indication as to who the beneficiaries are, and if available an insight to the lifestyle of the deceased, by way of any peculiar comments in the will, and of course inventories of personal effects where available.

Will of Martha Priestnall of Stockport (Spinster) - Died 15th March 1862 at Stockport, County of Chester

Date of will - 20th October 1859

Value - Effects under £2000 - No Leaseholds


On the twenty ninth day of April 1864 the Will of Martha Priestnall late of Stockport in the County of Chester, Spinster, deceased, who died on the fifteenth day of March 1862 at Stockport aforesaid was proved in the District Registry attached to Her Majesty’s Court of Probate at Chester by the oath of Henry Marsland Esquire of Woodbank within Bredbury in the County of Chester,  the sole executor, therein named he having been first sworn duly to administer.


This is the last will of me Martha Priestnall of Stockport, Cheshire. I appoint H. J. Marsland esq. of Woodbank to be the executor of this my will. I direct my debts and funeral expenses to be paid as soon as conveniently may be after my decease. I give and bequeath to the three Misses Vaux of Hope Green and to their niece living with them the sum of fifty pounds cash also my best china tea service and watch that was late fathers and silver castors.
I give and bequeath to Doctor John Vaux of Macclesfield the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds also eight silver table spoons, ten desert spoons, a pair of plated candlesticks with snuffers and snuffer dish.
To the children of Thomas Vaux of Hope Green I give and bequeath the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds, the said sum of one hundred and fifty pounds to be paid to the said children as soon as the youngest child shall be of age.To George Pickford of Hazel Grove I give and bequeath the sum of fifty pounds. To Mrs Priestnall of the Rough near Chorley, Lancashire I bequeath my silver tea service consisting of teapot, coffeepot, sugar basket and cream jug, also my tea urn. To Mary Birch at present living with Mrs Lingard of Southport I bequeath fifty pounds.
To my late servant Sarah Potts I bequeath the sum of fifty pounds. To George Priestnall of Bramhall I bequeath fifty pounds for the use of his daughter Mary now living with him. To my dear friend Mrs Marsland of Woodbank I bequeath the sum of fifty five pounds for purposes hereafter to be mentioned. The residue including my furniture etc., I give and bequeath to my kind and steady friend Henry Marsland of Woodbank.

I deliver this as my last will and testament In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this 20th day of October Eighteen Hundred and Fifty Nine. Martha Priestnall

Signed sealed and published by the said Martha Priestnall as her last will and testament in the presence of us present at the same time who in her presence and the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.

Mary Bennett
Ann Bennett

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