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Probate Wills
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George Priestnall

Transcript of will for
George Priestnall of Hilltop Farm, Butley, Cheshire

This transcript is where possible the full transcript but in some cases may be edited if parts are illegible.

The purpose of the transcript is to give an accurate indication as to who the beneficiaries are, and if available an insight to the lifestyle of the deceased, by way of any peculiar comments in the will, and of course inventories of personal effects where available.

Will of George Priestnall of Hilltop Farm, Butley - Died 9th January 1872 at Hilltop Farm, Butley, County of Chester.

Date of will - 22nd May 1871

Value - Effects under £450 - No Leaseholds


On  the 14th day of May 1872 the Will of George Priestnall late of Hilltop Farm, Butley in the County of Chester, Farmer, deceased, who died on the ninth day of January 1872 at Hill Top Farm aforesaid, was proved in the District Registry attached to Her Majesty’s Court of Probate at Cheshire by the oath of Harriet Priestnall of Hilltop Farm aforesaid, widow, the Relict of the said deceased and George Priestnall of Carr Farm, Butley aforesaid, Farmer,  the Executors therein named they having been first sworn duly to administer.

At Chester on 30th June 1891 Administration with this will annexed of the unadministered estate of this testator was granted to Frances Stansfield and James Priestnall two of the residual legatees substituted in the said will.


I George Priestnall of Hill Top Farm, Butley in the County of Chester, Farmer, hereby revoke all former wills made by me and declare this to be my last will and testament. I devise and bequeath all the real and personal estate to which I shall be entitled at my decease (except estates vested in me as trustee or mortgagee) unto my wife Harriet Priestnall and my cousin George Priestnall of Carr Farm, Butley aforesaid, Farmer, their heirs executors administrators and assigns respectively upon trust to carry on my business of Farmer for the benefit of my estate for such period as to my said trustees or the trustees or trustee for the time being of this my will shall seem expedient and to employ for that purpose such part of my estate as they, she or he shall deem necessary and for the purposes aforesaid to enter into all such contracts and arrangements and to do all such acts as I could myself if for the time being living. And (subject as aforesaid) upon trust to sell call in and convert into money the said real and personal estate or such part thereof as shall not consist of money and out of the moneys realized and the money of which I shall be possessed at my decease to pay my  funeral and testamentary expences and debts and to invest the residue of the said moneys in the names or name of the said trustees or trustee in or upon the public stocks funds or government securities of the United Kingdom or upon Freehold, Copyhold or Leasehold securities in England or Wales or the securities of any company or corporation municipal or otherwise in the United Kingdom and to vary the said investments at their her or his discretion.
And upon trust to stand possessed of the said residuary trust moneys and stocks funds shares and securities in or upon which the same shall from time to time be invested and to permit my said wife to receive the income thereof during her life for her sole and separate use she maintaining clothing educating and bringing up my children or child if but one under the age of twenty one years or being daughters or a daughter unmarried. And after the decease of my said wife then upon trust for my children equally or child if but one attaining the age of twenty one years or dying under that age leaving issue or being daughters or a daughter marrying. And I declare that the shares and interest of my said wife and of all other females under this my will shall be for their sole separate use respectively free from marital control and their respective receipts alone shall be notwithstanding coverture an effectual discharge for the same. I declare that the said trustees or trustee may postpone the sale and conversion of the said real and personal estate or any part thereof for so long as they she or he may think expedient and that my real estate shall be considered for the purposes of enjoyment and transmission under the trusts herein contained or converted into personal estate from my decease. And I declare that the receipts of the said trustees trustee shall discharge persons paying purchase or other moneys or transferring trust properly from liability in regard to the application thereof I devise all real estates which shall at my decease be vested in me as trustee or mortgagee unto my said wife and cousin their heirs and assigns subject to the trusts and equities affecting the same respectively. And I appoint my said wife and cousin to be executors of this my will. In witness whereof I have hereunder set my hand this twenty second day of May one thousand eight hundred and seventy one.

Signed by the said testator George Priestnall as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us present at the same time who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our name as witnesses

John Vaux of Macclesfield
Henry Hand of Macclesfield

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