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Probate Wills
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Thomas Priestnall

Transcript of will for
George Amos Priestnall of Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire

This transcript is where possible the full transcript but in some cases may be edited if parts are illegible.

The purpose of the transcript is to give an accurate indication as to who the beneficiaries are, and if available an insight to the lifestyle of the deceased, by way of any peculiar comments in the will, and of course inventories of personal effects where available.

Will of George Amos Priestnal of Newbold Verdon – Died 27th November 1923 at Newbold Verdon

Date of will – 23rd November 1923

Personal Estate Gross Value - £315:14:6

Administration of Will

Be it known that George Amos Priestnall of Wrask Farm, Desford Road, Newbold Verdon in the County of Leicester, Baker, who at the time of his death had a fixed place of abode at Wrask Farm aforesaid within the district of Leicester died on the 27th November 1923 at Wrask Farm aforesaid, and be it further known that at the date hereunder written the last Will and Testament of the said deceased was proved and registered in the District Probate Registry of His Majesty’s High Court of Justice at Leicester and that administration of all the estate which by law devolves to and vests in the personal representative of the said deceased was granted by the aforesaid court to Augusta Orton (wife of William Lemon Orton) of Wrask Farm aforesaid, sister of the said deceased and Cecil Minett Sumner of The Garage, Desford Road, aforesaid, Motor Engineer, the Executors named in the said Will.
Dated the 28th day of April 1924


This is the last Will and Testament of me George Amos Priestnall of Wrask Farm, Desford Road, Newbold Verdon C/O Mr W.L.Orton in the County of Leicester made this twenty third day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty three. I hereby revoke all Wills made by me at any time heretofor. I appoint my sister Augusta Orton, Wrask Farm, Desford Road and Cecil Minett Sumner, The Garage, Desford Road, Newbold Verdon to be my Executors, and direct that all my debts and funeral expenses shall be paid as soon as conveniently may be after my decease.
I give and bequeath unto my sister Augusta the whole of my estate including all monies due to me and in my possession and that Bakery Business and Property situate at Wigston Road, Blaby, Leicestershire.

Signed by the said testator George Amos Priestnall in the presence of us, present at the same time, who at his request, and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses.

Cecil Minett Sumner
Isa Smith, District Nurse

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